Title Insurance

What is Title Insurance?

Title insurance is a type of property insurance for buyers and home owners. It protects your ownership and use of the property by guarding against certain risk that may cause loss or affect the ownership.

For a one-time premium it provides protection for as long as you own the property.

A Stewart Title insurance policy provides cover for risks including:

Follow above links to view examples of  recent WA claims.

The key features of a Stewart Title insurance policy are:

  • The premium is a one-time payment
  • The protection lasts until you sell the property
  • There is no excess in the event of a claim
  • You are covered for the full value of the property (e.g. if your property is valued at $500,000 then the cover is for $500,000). In the event of a claim relating to unapproved building work cover is provided up to $160,000. The policy includes a 200% inflation allowance for increases in the value of the property over time.

Should you wish to discuss Title Insurance further, please contact Sandy Wormald on 0409 130 787 or sandy.wormald@stewart.com  or  visit their website at www.stewartau.com.